128th JSPS seminar will be held on 27 July 2009 0:30 pm to 5;45 pm at the Main Meeting Room, 4th fl. Bild. 1, University of the Sacred Heart. In the next seminar, four junior researchers will present their papers.
- Wataru Takahashi (Graduate School of the University of Tokyo), ‘Christology of Ps.-Dionysius.’
- Rei Hakamada (Graduate School of the University of Tokyo), ‘Seeing the Light of God: Gregory Palamas’s Interpretation of Ps.-Dionysius.’
- Megumi Kitagawa (Graduate School of Sophia University), ‘The Ascent of the Soul through the Music: Augustine’s De musica Book 6.’
- Kurato Yokota (Graduate School of Kyoto University), ‘Reading Augustine backwards: Mutual Inherence of the Substance in his De trinitate.’