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- First Seminar (23 April 1977) — Shinro Kato, ‘Transcending the External and the Internal: towards the Interpretation of Augustine’s Confessions Books 10-11’
- Second Seminar (25 June 1977) — Tomonobu Imamichi, ‘Boethius and Platonism’
- Third Seminar (22 October 1977) — Klaus Riesenhuber, ‘Some Remarks on Mediaeval Platonism’ — Harunori Izumi, ‘Preliminary Remarks on the Current Symposium of the Japanese Society of Medieval Philosophy’
- Fourth Seminar (28 January 1978) — Yoichiro Kumada, ‘Ps.-Dionysius’ Divine Names: Correlating with the statements by E. v. Ivanka’s Plato Christianus’
- Fifth Seminar (22 April 1978) — Masao Okano, ‘Augustine’s Memoria in the Confessions Book 10’
- Sixth Seminar (1 July 1978) — Akira Nomachi, ‘Cicero’s Academica and the Fathers of the Church: Remarks on C. B. Schmitt, Cicero Scepticus, 1970’
- Seventh Seminar (28 October 1978) — Takeshi Kato, ‘Ibi religatas primitias spiritus: Confessiones IX, x, 24’
- Eighth Seminar (27 January 1979) — Hisamitsu Miyauchi, ‘On Bonum’
- Ninth Seminar (28 April 1979) — Tadashi Inoue, ‘On the Internal’
- Tenth Seminar (16 June 1979) — Fumi Sakaguchi, ‘Providence of Ockham’
- 11th Seminar (27 October 1979) — Nobuo Nakazawa, ‘Conscientia in Augustine’